I graduated from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology with a Masters in Counseling Psychology and a specialization in Creative Expression. I trained extensively in group psychotherapy and action methods at the Bay Area Moreno Institute and the Hudson Valley Psychodrama Institute and am certified as a psychodramatist by the American Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychodtherapy.
I am co-author of Life, Death, and Transformation: Experiential Action Methods and Tools for Healing Grief and Trauma with Center for Living with Dying Director Janet Childs (Routledge, 2019). We found experiential action grief work to be very effective for transforming difficult grief issues.
On the personal side, I've been a child athlete, an amateur musician, a mother to three children, a widow, a founder of a retreat center, and a biomedical lab manager at Stanford University. I've benefited from a life long spiritual practice, and I bring a calm presence and a compassionate understanding of being human to my work with clients.
I am enthusiastic about leading groups, in part because I've learned from my extensive training and professional experience that some therapeutic elements are only available through group work.